The process of monitoring the parameter of machinery (vibration, temperature, etc.), to identify a significant change that is indicative of a developing fault. The use of condition monitoring allows for scheduled maintenance to take & prevent consequential damages and avoid its consequences.
The data collected can establish trends, predict failure, and calculate the remaining life of an asset. This new achievement in vibration monitoring technology is an ideal complement to traditional vibration analysis. The method can detect at a very early stage such machine problems that are generally difficult to identify early with conventional vibration monitoring techniques, such as gear and bearing damages.
Measurement Method
There are two types of vibration measurement methods "Permanent online vibration monitoring system" and "Portable off-line monitoring system". Either one is selected generally depending on importance rank of equipment.
1. Online Monitoring
Operates Constantly
Cannot be Approached
Deteriorates Slowly
2. Offline Monitoring
Is Minimal impact from Breakdown
Is Easy to be Measured
Deteriorates Quickly
Standalone Compact CBM System
Compact size : 84mm*58mm*30mm in dimension
Power supply : 5Vdc (Mobile Charger will do)
Wi-Fi Connectivity : 3.5 -4 Mbps speed
API can be shared
Data on cloud (AWS Cloud)
Magnet mounting, Stud Mounting easily
Firmware upgradation over the Air
No extra software requirement
Mobile app and dashboard functionality
Installations up to 3000+ installations
No wiring or programming required
Easy Installation with “FEW“ minutes
FFT Functionality
Report and Alarms
Gateway Based CBM Solutions
This solution will interact with gateway via Bluetooth technology
Power supply : Battery operated
Gateway Interface : Ethernet
Can be interfaced up to sensor 256 nodes
API can be shared
Data on cloud and on premises solution
Stud Mounting easily
Firmware upgradation over the Air
Packaged solution with software hardware
Mobile app and dashboard functionality
Waterfall analysis, Machine downtime etc
Controller Based CBM Solutions
This solution consists of probe types sensors as per customised requirements
Cabled sensors can be extended as per requirement
This solutions is available for High temperature and vibration level requirements
This solutions addresses all reciprocating application needs
Needs dedication online/offline software
Hardware controller and accessories